Introducing Shaiia Dicastelli to the World
Many people wonder where Shaiia Dicastelli comes from, and the straightforward answer is: from nothing and everything all at once.
Shaiia has been my secret energetic name that followed me throughout my childhood. I heard it at 4 years old, and then became conscious of its meaning at 8 years old. I used it as an alias when I was playing games or when I was talking to my guides. In 2024, through a live channel of Bashar's consciousness energy, the name came out, as a way for me to get over my fear of being seen for all that I am. It's been a process of introducing the real me, as Shaiia, to the world, a process that has been absolutely beautiful to experience, from within and as an observer's perspective.
Dicastelli is also a name that was given to me as a gift from the higher realms in my Twenties. One that represents beautifully my own journey of spirituality and that completes the name of Shaiia.
Shaiia means "gift"
Dicastelli means "of the castles"
Shaiia is an energy, it is my energy, it is my gift, in all of its glory: it is who I am in my truth. It is time for me to introduce myself to the World, in all of my authenticity, power, and difference.
A few things you might be wondering
I am the owner of the company. Ethereal Bloom Shop is the business besides/behind/in front of the face.Being someone who doesn't have any niche, as per my Podcast, having only one website related to who I am didn't make sense anymore. I realized that my entire life I hid my personal brand behind my career identity; I was the owner of all the businesses I had but I was never a person in a by herself. I was a CEO, a President, a Healer, a Channeler, etc. but never just me. By starting my personal branding website, it gives my energy a chance to exist as she pleases, without the identity title of what I do, but instead who I am: Shaiia Dicastelli.
Ethereal Bloom Shop continues to exist as its own entity, and the Divinati Grimoire will continue to build in its power, as I also continue to evolve as an energetic being, but I will also build my personal brand through this website, to give my energy a chance to exist outside of just one identity. Energy always expands and evolves, especially mine, it's unfair to her to keep her in a cage of her own identity. I'm excited to see how this personal branding will take form, it's a beautiful new experience in my own life, and a beautiful show of what becoming truly is about in this life on earth.
This website is all about my personal brand. It exists to showcase my work and energy in a different light, to allow people to experience a different version of me, one that is not solely about spirituality. It is a big part of my life, as I've awakened at a very young age, it's truly all that I've known my entire life, but through this evolution of spirituality, it's time I also learn how to exist differently with spirituality. For my energy to be the representation of spirituality, instead of what I do be the representation of spirituality. Oneness. Consciousness embodiement.
I will be building this website more and more as I go. It'll be a beautiful representation of the ever evolving being that I am and the energy my vessel holds.
I also have a couple of projects coming up for everybody as well, and they need their own spotlight, outside of Ethereal Boom Shop.
I was born with them, but at 4 years old they integrated subconsciously.
I'm a Leo
I'm 30 years old.
As I'm writing this, I am single and celibate. I started my intention celibacy journey in July 2024, when I decided that I wasn't going to entertain rotten energy anymore. The dating scene was never something that I enjoyed, because of my gifts - I'm always able to see right through men's bullshit. It became too much work for me energetically, so I decided to just stay celibate until my divine masculine comes. Thanks to my gifts, and through the work of the Divinati Grimoire, I've been able to get more connected to my own energy, thus getting more connected to my future husband's energy. There's just a knowing that I have, that when I'll meet him, I'll know it's him. Therefore, I don't see the point in the serial dating, because I can tell right away if a man is for me or is just trying to get laid, and my energy is too precious to entertain men that are lost in lust. In the meantime, I enjoy my own company, take myself out on dates, romanticize my own life, and continue to build high standards for my life and my future man.